Evangelina Caravaca

Evangelina Caravaca holds a PhD in Social Sciences (UBA/Argentina), a Master in Latin American Studies (Escuela de Humanidades-UNSAM/Argentina) and a Bachelor of Sociology (UBA/Argentina). Assistant Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research. Professor at the IDAES School (UNSAM). Participates as a PhD teacher in various universities in Argentina. Coordinator of the Nucleus of Studies on Violence (EIDAES-UNSAM). Her research topics prioritize sociological approaches over violence with emphasis on collective and institutional violence. In particular, it studies the relationship between violence and ways of "doing justice". She is the author of scientific articles, book chapters and papers for academic congresses that can be viewed in


Research project as CALAS fellow

Title: Violence, state and inequality in crisis contexts. A sociological study on "armed causes".

Summary:  In recent years we have witnessed a kind of inflation around the phenomenon of violence in Latin America. After decades marked by political violence, repression and state terror, since the end of the twentieth century, we have witnessed the proliferation of various types of violence that coexist and relate to each other (collective, institutional, structural violence, among others). Within this wide range, the research project seeks to think of a dimension scarcely explored in the field of violence and justice: we refer to the problem of "armed causes". Although it is a polysemic term, we will understand "armed cause" as an event in which an individual (or a group) is convicted of a crime not committed by a fraudulent intervention of the police and/or the Justice System. Thus, we bet that thinking the object "armed cause" may prove fertile to dislocate the links between States, the Justice System and inequality.

Tipo investigador: 
Investigador Identidad y crisis: