Diego Escolar

Diego Escolar holds a PhD in Philosophy and Letters with a major in anthropology and a BA in Anthropology from the University of Buenos Aires. He is a Senior Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research and full professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National University of Cuyo in Mendoza. He is responsible editor and co-founder of the journal Corpus, Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana. His research has addressed processes of ethnogenesis and re-emergence of indigenous identities in Argentina, mainly Huarpe and Mapuche, from anthropological and historical perspectives of long duration, in relation to political, cultural and environmental processes, particularly in the context of the formation of the national state.

He has also done research on the memories of repression in the Argentine National Gendarmerie, and on the muleteers and "baqueanos" of the Argentine-Chilean border in the Andes.

He has done postdoctoral research and/or postgraduate teaching at various national and foreign universities, such as the Department of Anthropology at the University of Rennes, the Departments of History and Anthropology at the University of California, Berkeley, at the IHEAL of the University of Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle, the University of Cauca and the University of Chile, among others.

He currently directs the projects "Revisionismo indígena en Argentina: Archivos, prácticas escriturarias y narrativas nacionales", of CONICET, and "Archivos Indígenas de la Nación en le Encuesta Nacional de Folklore de 1921", of the Agencia Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica.



Main books

2021. Los indios montoneros: Un desierto rebelde para la nación argentina (Guanacache, siglos XVIII-XX) (Buenos Aires, Prometeo).

2019. Los dones étnicos de la nación: Identidades huarpe y modos de producción de soberanía en Argentina (Buenos Aires, Prometeo, 2007 y 2019).

2017. Gendarmería: los límites de la obediencia, (Buenos Aires, SB, segundo Premio Nacional de ensayo antropológico 2018).



 2019. Más allá de la extinción: identidades indígenas en la Argentina criolla, siglos XVIII-XX: y una reseña comparativa con Bolivia, Paraguay, Chile y México. Buenos Aires, (Buenos Aires, SB).

2018. En el país del nomeacuerdo. Archivos y memorias del genocidio del Estado argentino sobre los pueblos originarios 1870-1950. Editorial Universidad Nacional de Río Negro).


Research project at CALAS

Title: Denialism vs. indigenous historical revisionism in Argentina. The declaration of Mapuche non-existence in Mendoza.

Abstract: Writing a draft book that, on the one hand, analyzes the practices of indigenous historical revisionism in Argentina, taking the case of the province of Mendoza, and mainly, from a collaborative perspective, reconstructs the process of forced incorporation into the provincial society of Mapuches from southern Mendoza, Neuquén, La Pampa and Río Negro during the so-called "Conquest of the Desert" of 1879-1884, with a view to be presented as a fundamental input of a Truth Commission on the Mapuche genocide in Mendoza. This work would then be both a historical reconstruction, a theoretical debate, a political intervention and a presentation of evidence with judicial value. It should be noted that the historical and ethnographic data for this work have been collected by me over the last two decades from various written and oral records and field research.

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