Daniela Celleri

Associate Researcher at the Department of Sociology of the Leibniz University in Hanover and Professor-Researcher at the Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales in Ecuador. She is currently researching the situation and contribution of immigrants in Ecuador, based on the collection of quantitative and qualitative data on discrimination and access to rights, with the purpose of establishing a scientific basis for the elaboration of Inclusion Policies.

Daniela Celleri is an associate researcher in the Department of Sociology at Leibniz Hannover University where she obtained her Ph.D. in sociology. She is also a professor-researcher at the Institute of Higher National Studies of Ecuador. Her research areas are International Migration, Nation-State formation processes in Latin America, Social Inequality and Intersectionality, Ethnicity and Citizenship, Discrimination, and Xenophobia. She is currently researching the situation and contribution of immigrants in Ecuador, based on quantitative and qualitative data collected on discrimination and access to rights, in order to establish scientific bases for the development of inclusion policies.

Main publications:

2020. Situación laboral y aporte económico de inmigrantes en el centro/sur de Quito. disponible en:"

2020. “Jóvenes ‘viajeros’ y la construcción de etnicidad en una comunidad rural de Otavalo- Ecuador”. En: Santiago Bastos (Ed.) La etnicidad recreada. Desigualdad, diferencia y movilidad en la América Latina global. Guadalajara. CIESAS.

2019. Situación laboral y aporte económico de inmigrantes en el norte de Quito-Ecuador : Una primera aproximación cuantitativa para dialogar sobre política pública. Revista Perspectivas: Friederich Ebert Stiftung, Quito-Ecuador. disponible en:

2019. El lugar de origen y la pertenencia en contextos migratorios. Jóvenes indígenas en una comunidad rural de Otavalo- – Ecuador. Instituo de Altos Estudios Nacionales- Ecuador.

2019. De la crisis de la dolarización a la crisis migratoria en Ecuador, 1999- 2003. En: La política exterior del Ecuador: desde el retorno a la democracia a la actualidad. Academia Nacional de Historia-Ecuador.

2018. Migración, derechos humanos y desarrollo. Avances y desafíos en la política migratoria ecuatoriana 2009-2016. Flacso-Guatemala. En: Bornschein, Dirk (Coord.). Hacia un salto cualitativo. Migración y Desarrollo en México y el norte de Centroamérica. FLACSO- Guatemala.

2017. Menschliche Mobilität" statt Migration?: Vielschichtige Herausforderungen eines neuen Konzepts für die Politik in Ecuador. Movilidad Humana en lugar de Migración? Los retos de una política multidimensional en el Ecuador. PERSPEKTIVE, Frederich Ebert Stiftung ILDIS/ Deutschland-Ecuador.

2015. con Cristina Vega. En los límites de la nación diversa. ¿Dónde están los migrantes en el proyecto plurinacional ecuatoriano?, Revista Andamios, Dossier, N. 28- Mayo- Agosto 2015, pp. 43-72. Méxiko D.F.: Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México.

2015. con Cristina Cielo et. All. Trayectorias del sur: desplazamientos transnacionales y conformaciones estatales de las naciones diversas de Ecuador y Etiopía. CLACSO, Informes de investigación.


Research project as a fellow of CALAS:

Title: South-South Migrations: Conflicts, violence, and discrimination in the city? The case of Venezuelan and Colombian immigration in Quito-Ecuador.

Abstract: In the last decade, the massive Venezuelan migration has meant more challenges and questions for Latin American states on how to face this humanitarian crisis, but it has also revealed latent conflicts between the local population and the immigrant. These conflicts have been evidenced in the generalized stigmatization of Venezuelan immigrants by the local population as "criminals" or "violent" people, in the closure of access to resources such as housing and work, as well as in violent acts by of the population but also by part of the state force.

This project analyzes the situation of migrants who come from political and socio-economic conflicts such as the case of Venezuela and/or displacement due to armed conflicts in the case of Colombia and settle in Quito-Ecuador, to understand their situation regarding access to their rights and the barriers they experience in the face of violence and discrimination in their destination city. The central questions in this project are: What role does the State play in these conflicts and in guaranteeing rights for its migrants? What are the strategies of these immigrants regarding access to their rights and how can they lead to social conflicts or a peaceful and inclusive coexistence?
