Carmen Ibáñez Cueto

Carmen Ibáñez writes her habilitation (accreditation to be a Titular Professor) at the Freie Universität en Berlin. She is a sociologist and economist by training. She wrote her doctoral thesis in Political Science at the Universität Rostock. Her post-doctorates have been carried out in the Department of Ibero-American History of the Universität zu Köln and the Department of Anthropology of the Universität Bonn. From a multi-trans-inter-disciplinary perspective, her research is framed in decolonial studies. She researches, publishes, and teaches courses on the so-called "ethnic vote", political consequences of migration, social constructions of time, paradoxes of development, and economic anthropology. She is an ombudsperson and advisor on issues of racism and discrimination in non-governmental organizations in Germany.

 Publications (selection):


2018. Consecuencias políticas de la migración interna en Bolivia. (PhD-Thesis) Madrid/Frankfurt, Iberoamericana/Vervuert

2009. Poder, masculinidad y jerarquía en la construcción identitaria del cadete: caso Colegio Militar del Ejército. (Tesis). La Paz: Universidad Mayor de San Andrés


Journal articles and chapters in edited books:

2018 La migración como estrategia política de resistencia. En: Bastos, Santiago (Ed.), La etnicidad recreada. Desigualdad, diferencia y movilidad en la América Latina global. Guadalajara: CIESAS, pp. 387-418

2018 El cuerpo como evidencia: etnicidad y género en los Andes. En: FIAR. Journal of the International Association of Inter-American Studies, Vol. 10 (2), pp. 66-84

2017 Where is the development? Challenging the concept of development from the perspective of Buen Vivir. En: Rehm, Lukas; Jochen Kemner; Olaf Kaltmeier (Eds.): Politics of Entanglements in the Americas: Connecting Transnational Flows and Local Perspectives. Inter-American Studies/ Estudios Interamericanos Vol. 19. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag/ Bilingual Press

2017 Reproduktion indigener Stereotypen in Bolivien. En: Steger, Rebeca et al. (Eds.): Subalternativen. Postkoloniale Kritik und dekolonialer Widerstand in Lateinamerika. Münster: Edition Assemblage, pp. 125-138

2017 La migración interna en la construcción de la identidad nacional. En: Saez-Arance, Antonio et al. (Eds.): Identidades nacionales en América Latina. Discursos, saberes y representaciones. Stuttgart: Verlag Hans-Dieter Heinz/Academischer Verlag Stuttgart, pp. 241-251

2016 Negociaciones de etnicidad y ciudadanía: Ayllu vs. Sindicato. Research Network for Latin America Working Paper, Series No. 16

2015 Diversidad y heterogeneidad pero ante todo migrantes. In: Potthast, Barbara et al. (Eds.), Dinámicas de inclusión y exclusión en América Latina. Conceptos y prácticas de etnicidad, ciudadanía y pertenencia. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert, pp. 203-216.



2020 El significado de la migración interna para los cambios políticos en Bolivia. En: Matices. Zeitschrift zu Lateinamerika, Spanien und Portugal, No. 101

2020 "Coronavirus in Zeiten des Pachakutik". En: Boletín Eirene e.V.

2020 "Was es bedeutet, „der Andere“ zu sein". En: Boletín Eirene e.V.

2020 "Viviendo como las sardinas". Periódico, El País (Bolivia)

2018 Interview mit der bolivianischen Feministin Maria Galindo von Mujeres Creando. Mit Britt Weyde. En: ILA, Zeitschrift der Informationsstelle Lateinamerika, No. 417, Bonn


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Projections, expectations, and imaginaries of the crisis (s): Popular markets in the Andes

Abstract: Although the Spanish invasion of the Andes has often been considered a cultural collision, what is still less chronic is that it was also a collision of temporalities; people who had different beliefs, subjectivities, and epistemes about what time meant in their lives participated in this confrontation. The present investigation raises as a philosophical-political thread the social construction of time in the connotation of crisis. For this, I propose to the market (as a space) as the materiality of the encounter of different and alternate forms of temporal understanding but also as the social laboratory from which to analyze the Pachakutik and the coexistence strategies that, in the long term, the subordinates have sought to confront the attacks of capitalism and the construction of a Nation-State that acts under the logic of 'the less Indian, the more modern'. The guiding question is how can a society with seemingly distant imageries of temporality project a joint future? The proposal invites us to explore the flows, articulations, and episteme with which the logic of commerce operates within the popular markets occupied mostly - but not only - by indigenous people. If the economy is the central point of the discourse of modernity, the level of consumption is the apparently efficient measure to measure the well-being of a society, it would be worth investigating the indigenous episteme of the future but also their way of "doing business" to understand, what relation does this have to Pachakutik's conception and its relation to temporality (s).

