Ann-Kathrin Volmer

Ann-Kathrin Volmer holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Geography from Muenster University and earned a Master of Sciences in Environmental studies from both, the Technical University of Cologne, Germany and the Autonomous University of San Luís Potosí, Mexico, respectively. Currently she works as a scientific assistant at Bielefeld University and forms part of the Management of the Maria Sybilla Merian Center of Advanced Latin-American Studies (CALAS) in Guadalajara, Mexico.

She also is a doctoral candidate in Political Geography. Her research project analyzes socio-ecological conflicts about water and gold in the Colombian Massive in South-Western Colombia.

Research Focus

  • Social Movements
  • Extracitivism
  • Political Ecoloy
  • Political Geography
  • Decolonial Theories


2024. "Sozio-ökologische Konflikte in Kolumbien. Politisch-ökologische Analyse der Ökoregion Macizo Colombiano." Nomos Verlag.

2022. (with Tyanif Rico) "Usos y Definiciones del territorio en contextos de exploración minera: Miradas al Macizo Colombiano." In: FIAR - Forum for inter-american research 2022, Nr. 2 (online).

2020.: "Wissensgenerierung mit und für nichtakademische Akteur*innen.“ In: Standort - Zeitschrift für Angewandte Geographie 2020, Nr. 1: 65.

2020. (with Guadalupe Galindo Mendoza, Carlos Contreras Servín y Juan Carlos Torrico): "Evaluation of agricultural policy implementation on a local level in Mexico“. In: Anuschka van ´t Hooft (coord.) Environment and Resource Management in Latin America. UASLP. Mexico. (online)

2018. ‘La ecología política del Macizo Colombiano: transformaciones de un concepto de investigación con pensamientos decoloniales.’ In: S. Gomez, C. Moore y L. Muñera (coords.): Los saberes múltiples y las ciencias sociales y políticas. (online) p. 417-432.

