Alice Krozer

Alice Krozer is a research professor at the Center for Sociological Studies at El Colegio de México, with a PhD in Development Studies from the University of Cambridge. She has a master's degree in International Development and another in International Administration from the London School of Economics and the Copenhagen Business School, as well as a bachelor's degree in International Economics from the Copenhagen Business School too. She has been a visiting researcher at Stanford University, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and ECLAC. Her research interests include the study of elites and privilege, discrimination and racism, and perceptions of inequality.


Selected publications

2020 (wint Castañeda, D.). Life on the Edge: elites, wealth, and inequality in Sonora 1871-1910. Working Paper IV – 2020, Centro de Estudios Económicos..

2020 (with Aparicio, R.). Regimen de Bienestar: Hacia un México inclusivo y equitativo. Policy paper commissioned by Fundación Friedrich Ebert México.

2020. Seeing Inequality? Relative Affluence and Elite Perceptions in Mexico. Occasional Series Paper 8 UNRISD, Mayo 2020; Ginebra.$file/OI-OP-8---Krozer_Overcoming%20Inequalities.pdf

2020 (with Campos-Vazquez, R., Ramírez, A., de la Torre, R. and Vélez, R. (2020). Perceptions of Inequality and Social Mobility. Research Paper No. 124, Agence Française de Développement (también como WP del CEEY:

2020 (with Garry, G y Moreno-Brid, J.C. (2020). Minimum Wages and Inequality in Mexico: An Example (Not) to Follow. En P.B. Anand et al. (eds.) 2020, Oxford Handbook of Emerging Economies.

2019 (with Solís, P., Arroyo, C. y Güémez, B). Discriminación étnico-racial en México: una taxonomía de las prácticas. En J. Zepeda y T. González (eds.) La métrica de lo intangible: del concepto a la medición de la discriminación. México: Conapred.

2016 (wiht Moreno-Brid, J.C. y Garry, S.). Minimum wages and inequality in Mexico: A Latin American perspective. Economía Mundial, Nr. 43 Octubre 2016, pp. 113-130.

2016. Where Do We Draw the Line? Suggesting A Threshold for Extreme Inequality. New School Economic Review, Vol. 8 March 2016: 89-114.

2016. For Richer... Or Poorer? The Capture of Growth and Politics in the Emerging Economies. Oxfam BRICSAM.

2015. The Inequality We Want: How Much is Too Much?. Journal for International Commerce, Economics and Policy vol.6 nr. 3 (también publicado como WIDER Working Paper 2015-015 y LIS Working Paper 069).

2015 (with J.C. Moreno-Brid y J.C. Rubio Badan). Inequality and minimum wage policy: Not even talking, much less walking in Mexico. Investigación Económica vol. LXXIV, nr. 293: 3-26.

2014 (with J.C. Moreno-Brid). Inequality in Mexico. World Economics Association, Vol. 4(5): 4.

2013 (with R. Lo Vuolo). A Regional Citizen's Income to Reduce Poverty in Central America. En R. Lo Vuolo (ed.) Citizen’s Income and Welfare regimes in Latin America, Palgrave.

2010. A Regional Basic Income – Towards the Eradication of Extreme Poverty in Central America. United Nations, 2010; Ciudad de México.


Research Project as CALAS fellow:

Title: Inequality of Wealth and Reproduction of Elites in Pre-Revolutionary Mexico

Abstract: In this project we propose to take a closer look at the co-development of inequality and the political economy of the influential Northern Mexican states at the brink of the Mexican Revolution at the beginning of the 20th Century. Increasing our knowledge about this poorly understood relationship can provide us with useful insights to gauge scenarios for current times. Considering the scarcity of ‘classical’ empirical data for inequality research in the form of, e.g. income (not to mention wealth) surveys or administrative data on the interpersonal level for this key period. Our proposed project’s contribution lies in the reconstruction of the distribution of wealth employing the study of wills and testaments for the years leading up to the onset of the Revolution in 1910. As such, we aim to investigate the relationship between the rapid industrialisation/modernisation process that ensued in northern Mexico during the late 19th and early 20th century and the country’s wealth distribution, and what we can ‘learn’ from this historic experience for current inequality trends. Extending the analysis of inequality trends to the long-run, moreover, allows us to filter out more recent short-term spikes/changes in the distribution caused by methodological issues of sensitive data in Latin America, where reliance on household surveys remains the main input for inequality research. Our project, moreover, wishes to engage with and contribute to the ongoing discussion about the role of economic and political elites in inequality dynamics and their reproduction over time. This means that, while our proposal covers both aspects (of wealth inequality measurement and elite reproduction) of the CALAS call for projects, we find it most fitting within the first category of measuring the state of inequality, as we aim to shed light on the distribution of wealth and its dynamics over time for society at large, quantifying the value of people’s and estates’ assets (including land, gold, donkeys, household ware, company shares and financial securities alike), and show how particularly the top of the political and economic spheres are interlinked and respond to developments in the realm of their respective other.
