Afrontar las Crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina
The world is currently experiencing multiple crises marked, among other phenomena, by the growing threats of war, inflation, economic crises and the broadening of inequalities, environmental disasters, the rise of the extreme right and authoritarianism, migratory dynamics, all of which have culminated in such a way as to constitute turning points for humanity as a whole.
Since its founding in 2017, the transdisciplinary research of the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) has focused on how these crises and processes of change are provoked, (de)accelerated, perceived and reflected upon by different social actors and what strategies for coping with crises have emerged at their multiple levels. Some of the crises that have stood out within this panorama are violence, the social divides that have provoked inequalities along with the accumulation of power and wealth in the hands of elites, as well as, the socio-environmental crises in the Anthropocene epoch. Also relevant are the impacts of the multiple crises on the (re)constructions of identities of social actors in various fields, from politics and economics to cultural and artistic production. Of course, these issues are neither unique nor confined to Latin America and the Caribbean. However, the region stands out for its creative search for political and cultural strategies to confront these crises that call into question the social and political order. At the same time, they favor social change and open new ways of imagining the future.
This congress, organized by CALAS and funded by the German Federal Minstry of Education and Research, has a double purpose; on the one hand, to present and discuss significant results of eight years of research carried out with and in Latin America on phenomena that have a global dimension, but that are presented in the region in a genuine and particular way. In the doing, the aim is to connect Latin American debates with analyses produced in Germany and Europe, creating opportunities for interregional and interdisciplinary dialogue and the search for and discussion of possible solutions.
On the other hand, the purpose is to open up new fields to study crises and generate new social, cultural and political proposals. This arises from a need that goes beyond analyzing the processes of these critical junctures, but rather seeks to broaden the horizon towards new visions, imaginaries, utopias and perspectives as a result of the strategies to confront the multiple crises.
To discuss these questions, CALAS brings together more than 50 international experts in Latin American studies in this congress to be held from February 10-12, 2025 at the University of Kassel.
To attend it is necessary to register at this link::
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Fechas: Monday, February 10, 2025 - 11:00 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 09:00 Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 09:00
Afrontar las Crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina
The world is currently experiencing multiple crises marked, among other phenomena, by the growing threats of war, inflation, economic crises and the broadening of inequalities, environmental disasters, the rise of the extreme right and authoritarianism, migratory dynamics, all of which have culminated in such a way as to constitute turning points for humanity as a whole.
Since its founding in 2017, the transdisciplinary research of the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) has focused on how these crises and processes of change are provoked, (de)accelerated, perceived and reflected upon by different social actors and what strategies for coping with crises have emerged at their multiple levels. Some of the crises that have stood out within this panorama are violence, the social divides that have provoked inequalities along with the accumulation of power and wealth in the hands of elites, as well as, the socio-environmental crises in the Anthropocene epoch. Also relevant are the impacts of the multiple crises on the (re)constructions of identities of social actors in various fields, from politics and economics to cultural and artistic production. Of course, these issues are neither unique nor confined to Latin America and the Caribbean. However, the region stands out for its creative search for political and cultural strategies to confront these crises that call into question the social and political order. At the same time, they favor social change and open new ways of imagining the future.
This congress, organized by CALAS and funded by the German Federal Minstry of Education and Research, has a double purpose; on the one hand, to present and discuss significant results of eight years of research carried out with and in Latin America on phenomena that have a global dimension, but that are presented in the region in a genuine and particular way. In the doing, the aim is to connect Latin American debates with analyses produced in Germany and Europe, creating opportunities for interregional and interdisciplinary dialogue and the search for and discussion of possible solutions.
On the other hand, the purpose is to open up new fields to study crises and generate new social, cultural and political proposals. This arises from a need that goes beyond analyzing the processes of these critical junctures, but rather seeks to broaden the horizon towards new visions, imaginaries, utopias and perspectives as a result of the strategies to confront the multiple crises.
To discuss these questions, CALAS brings together more than 50 international experts in Latin American studies in this congress to be held from February 10-12, 2025 at the University of Kassel.
To attend it is necessary to register at this link::
Download the programme
Fechas: Monday, February 10, 2025 - 11:00 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 09:00 Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 09:00
Perspectivas de cooperación entre América Latina y Alemania
El mundo ha cambiado radicalmente en los últimos años. La guerra en Ucrania, el cambio climático, la migración, la crisis de la democracia y el creciente proteccionismo económico son solo algunos de los ámbitos que plantean enormes desafíos al sistema internacional. Esto afecta también a las relaciones entre Alemania, Europa y América Latina. En diálogo con los embajadores de cuatro países de la región, esta mesa redonda busca aclarar la visión latinoamericana de nuestro mundo cambiante. ¿Qué ideas y sugerencias tienen para Alemania y Europa? ¿Qué estrategias pueden desarrollarse para una gestión conjunta de las crisis?
- Excmo. Sr. Fernando Brun, Embajador de la República Argentina
- Excmo. Sr. Antonio Lehmann Gutiérrez, Embajador de Costa Rica
- Excma. Sra. Juana Martinez González, Embajadora de Cuba
- Excmo. Sr. Francisco Quiroga, Embajador de México
Moderación a cargo de: Prof. Dr. Barbara Göbel (Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, Berlin) Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (Universität Kassel)
Martes, 11 de febrero de 2025, 17:00 - 19:00 horas, Gießhaus de la Universidad de Kassel
Atención: El evento se relizará en español.
Admisión sólo previa inscripción en: https://veranstaltungen.uni-kassel.de/event/perspectivas-cooperacion
Lugar: Universität Kassel, Gießhaus Fechas: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 16:30
Afrontar las Crisis. Perspectivas desde América Latina
The world is currently experiencing multiple crises marked, among other phenomena, by the growing threats of war, inflation, economic crises and the broadening of inequalities, environmental disasters, the rise of the extreme right and authoritarianism, migratory dynamics, all of which have culminated in such a way as to constitute turning points for humanity as a whole.
Since its founding in 2017, the transdisciplinary research of the Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) has focused on how these crises and processes of change are provoked, (de)accelerated, perceived and reflected upon by different social actors and what strategies for coping with crises have emerged at their multiple levels. Some of the crises that have stood out within this panorama are violence, the social divides that have provoked inequalities along with the accumulation of power and wealth in the hands of elites, as well as, the socio-environmental crises in the Anthropocene epoch. Also relevant are the impacts of the multiple crises on the (re)constructions of identities of social actors in various fields, from politics and economics to cultural and artistic production. Of course, these issues are neither unique nor confined to Latin America and the Caribbean. However, the region stands out for its creative search for political and cultural strategies to confront these crises that call into question the social and political order. At the same time, they favor social change and open new ways of imagining the future.
This congress, organized by CALAS and funded by the German Federal Minstry of Education and Research, has a double purpose; on the one hand, to present and discuss significant results of eight years of research carried out with and in Latin America on phenomena that have a global dimension, but that are presented in the region in a genuine and particular way. In the doing, the aim is to connect Latin American debates with analyses produced in Germany and Europe, creating opportunities for interregional and interdisciplinary dialogue and the search for and discussion of possible solutions.
On the other hand, the purpose is to open up new fields to study crises and generate new social, cultural and political proposals. This arises from a need that goes beyond analyzing the processes of these critical junctures, but rather seeks to broaden the horizon towards new visions, imaginaries, utopias and perspectives as a result of the strategies to confront the multiple crises.
To discuss these questions, CALAS brings together more than 50 international experts in Latin American studies in this congress to be held from February 10-12, 2025 at the University of Kassel.
To attend it is necessary to register at this link::
Download the programme
Fechas: Monday, February 10, 2025 - 11:00 Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - 09:00 Tuesday, February 11, 2025 - 09:00
Regionalizing the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Conversation between the Global South and North
The Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) aims at putting the research result from its Laboratory of Knowledge “The Anthropocene as a Multiple Crisis. Perspectives from Latin America” into dialogue with distinguished scholars from other world regions.
This Platform for Dialogue focuses on presenting and discussing the diverse topics of the Handbook The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis. An important part of the project is its line on visual representations of the Anthropocene. Therefore, the evening program of the conference includes an exclusive screening of the the documentary Anthropos by film maker Miguel Sánchez. In addition, an art exhibition will present the work of the Mexican artist Fernando Efraín Sandoval who is the creator of the captivating cover art of the CALAS handbook series.
The contributions to the six-volume Handbook The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis: Perspectives from Latin America think about the Anthropocene from a particular region of the Global South: The handbook offers a platform to discuss the multiple “anthropocenic” socio-environmental crises from a specifically Latin American point of view, without losing sight of their global and planetary dimensions. The objective is to systematize, from the perspective of Latin American social sciences and humanities, the multifaceted environmental crises that reached and crossed the planetary boundaries of the earth-systems and led to the new geological time of the Anthropocene. In doing so, it generates an empirical basis for the genealogy of the Anthropocene in so far under-researched global region with key regional and historical differentiations.
The main editors of the handbook series will present the overall research project, whereas the editors of each volume will present their specific topics which are based on the identified planetary boundaries (Land Use; Biodiversity; Climate Change, Mining and Energy; Water; Visual Representations of the Anthropocene) and discuss them with scholars from Anthropocene research, Area Studies and Bielefeld University. An evening panel invites representatives of other Merian Centers and colleagues from the Global South to discuss the Anthropocene from a global perspective in regard to their specific regions.
Key concerns to be addressed are: Is it useful to regionalize the Anthropocene from other regions as well? What about the planetary dimension and aspects? How is this field conceivable between the different disciplines?
The conference is scheduled to take place from February 17 to 18, 2025, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study and the model center after which the CALAS was structured.
There will be a transmission of the whole conference on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/@ciasunibielefeld3119
Lugar: Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University Fechas: Monday, February 17, 2025 - 09:30 Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 09:30
Regionalizing the Anthropocene: An Interdisciplinary Conversation between the Global South and North
The Maria Sibylla Merian Center for Advanced Latin American Studies (CALAS) aims at putting the research result from its Laboratory of Knowledge “The Anthropocene as a Multiple Crisis. Perspectives from Latin America” into dialogue with distinguished scholars from other world regions.
This Platform for Dialogue focuses on presenting and discussing the diverse topics of the Handbook The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis. An important part of the project is its line on visual representations of the Anthropocene. Therefore, the evening program of the conference includes an exclusive screening of the the documentary Anthropos by film maker Miguel Sánchez. In addition, an art exhibition will present the work of the Mexican artist Fernando Efraín Sandoval who is the creator of the captivating cover art of the CALAS handbook series.
The contributions to the six-volume Handbook The Anthropocene as Multiple Crisis: Perspectives from Latin America think about the Anthropocene from a particular region of the Global South: The handbook offers a platform to discuss the multiple “anthropocenic” socio-environmental crises from a specifically Latin American point of view, without losing sight of their global and planetary dimensions. The objective is to systematize, from the perspective of Latin American social sciences and humanities, the multifaceted environmental crises that reached and crossed the planetary boundaries of the earth-systems and led to the new geological time of the Anthropocene. In doing so, it generates an empirical basis for the genealogy of the Anthropocene in so far under-researched global region with key regional and historical differentiations.
The main editors of the handbook series will present the overall research project, whereas the editors of each volume will present their specific topics which are based on the identified planetary boundaries (Land Use; Biodiversity; Climate Change, Mining and Energy; Water; Visual Representations of the Anthropocene) and discuss them with scholars from Anthropocene research, Area Studies and Bielefeld University. An evening panel invites representatives of other Merian Centers and colleagues from the Global South to discuss the Anthropocene from a global perspective in regard to their specific regions.
Key concerns to be addressed are: Is it useful to regionalize the Anthropocene from other regions as well? What about the planetary dimension and aspects? How is this field conceivable between the different disciplines?
The conference is scheduled to take place from February 17 to 18, 2025, at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Bielefeld University’s Institute for Advanced Study and the model center after which the CALAS was structured.
There will be a transmission of the whole conference on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/@ciasunibielefeld3119
Lugar: Center for Interdisciplinary Research, Bielefeld University Fechas: Monday, February 17, 2025 - 09:30 Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 09:30