Senior Fellows | Page 3 | CALAS

Senior Fellows

Valeria Manzano

Valeria Manzano holds a PhD in history. She is a researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) of Argentina and a professor at the Interdisciplinary School of Higher Social Studies at Universidad Nacional San Martín, where she currently directs the PhD in History.


Eduardo Restrepo

Eduardo Restrepo is a Colombian anthropologist graduated from the University of Antioquia (Medellin. 1996), with master´s degree and doctoral studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hills. His research stands out studies on Afro-Colombian populations, with a specific interest in the Colombian Pacific region. The processes of ethnicization and racialization, as well as politics of representation and black political subjectivities, are some of the issues addressed in his publications.


H. Xavier Jara Tamayo

H. Xavier Jara holds a PhD in Economics and a Master of Advanced Studies in Economics from the University of Leuven, and a Master in Economics from the University of Louvain. He works as a Research Fellow at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essex and is a member of the Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis. He works in the fields of public and development economics and specializes in the study of poverty and inequality, the redistributive effect of tax-benefit policies, labour supply and well-being measurement.


Mauricio Folchi

Mauricio Folchi (Santiago de Chile, 1971) is an academic in the Department of Historical Sciences of the University of Chile, Doctor in Economic History from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, a ​​specialist in Environmental History and socio-environmental studies. His main lines of research are environmental history (mining, energy, and forestry) and the analysis of environmental conflicts.


Giovanna Bacchiddu

Giovanna Bacchiddu is Assistant Professor in the Anthropology Program of the Institute of Sociology of the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile. She received her Ph.D. from the University St. Andrews in England with a thesis on "'Gente de Isla - Island people. An ethnography of Apiao, Chiloé, southern Chile '”. Before that, she studied at the University of London and the University of Cagliari, Italy. She has received research grants from various Italian institutions and was a visiting researcher at CINVESTAV, Department of Educational Research, Mexico City.


Julia Roth

Julia Roth is a researcher in the research project “The Americas as a space of intertwining” at the Center for Inter-American Studies (CIAS) and a professor at the Faculty of Literature and Linguistics at the University of Bielefeld in Germany. Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the interdisciplinary and international project “ - interdependent inequalities in Latin America” at the Freie Universität Berlin and a professor at the Latin American Institute (FU Berlin) and the center for transdisciplinary gender studies (HU Berlin).


Heinrich Schäfer

Heinrich Wilhelm Schäfer is a Professor of Protestant Theology and Sociology of Religion at Bielefeld University. He has a doctorate in sociology from the Humboldt University of Berlin and a doctorate in theology from the University of Bochum. He has worked for several years at the National University of Costa Rica and the Latin American Biblical University with teaching in Costa Rica, Brazil, Bolivia, Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela.


Franklin Ramírez

Franklin Ramirez. Sociologist. Professor-researcher in the Department of Political Studies of FLACSO-Ecuador. He has been a visiting professor at various universities in the region and outside of it: UNAM (Mexico), University of La Plata (Argentina), University Lyon 2 (France), University of Antioquia (Colombia), University of Art and Social Sciences (Arcis -Chile), Bartolomé de las Casas School (El Cuzco-Peru).


León Avila

León Enrique Ávila Romero is a full-time professor-researcher in Sustainable Development at the Intercultural University of Chiapas (UNICH). He is the leader of the consolidated academic body "Heritage, territory, and development in the southern border of Mexico", a member of the SNI-CONACyT level I, and an honorary member of the SEI Cocytech.
