100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber:Commemoration from the Americas

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This volume of fiar: forum for interamerican research, partly evolved out of the CALAS platform for dialogue "The Latin American Left in the 21st Century: Looking Back to the Future.”


Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): 100th anniversary of the death of Max Weber: Commemoration from the Americas (Introduction).

Wolfgang Schluchter (Heidelberg University, Germany): How Ideas Become Effective in History” Max Weber on Confucianism and Beyond

Hans-Jürgen Burchardt (University of Kassel, Germany): Rethinking the State: How Necessary is a Farewell to Max Weber?

Boike Rehbein (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany: Max Weber, Understanding and the Charge of Subjectivism

Jessé Souza (Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), São Paulo): Max Weber e o “Culturalismo Científico” do Senhor e do Escravo

Marcos Abraao Ribeiro (Instituto Federal Fluminense): A recepção de Max Weber no pensamento de Fernando Henrique Cardoso e a legitimação intelectual do projeto de reforma do Estado no Brasil.

Francisco Colom González (Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)). Patrimonial Liberalism: A Weberian Approach to Early Latin American State-Making

Tuesday, December 1, 2020