Rosa Cañete Alonso

Rosa Cañente Alonso is an economist with 22 years of experience; specialized in the measurement, analysis and design of public policies to address inequality and poverty. She has developed research on power, democracy, inequality and poverty, elites, gender, taxation, tax systems, and social policies, especially in Latin America and the Caribbean. She has led analysis and research units in the Ministry of Economy of the Dominican Republic, has developed academic research, designed public policies, coordinated large teams, advised governments in Latin America and the Caribbean, and worked for the United Nations, in grassroots organizations and NGOs as well as assuming the spokesperson in various institutions and social movements. Currently coordinates the Poverty, Inequality and Democratic Culture Analysis Department of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development of the Dominican Republic in charge of the preparation of official statistics on poverty and inequality, advising government entities on coping strategies such as care policy designed to reduce the feminization of poverty. She was the Regional Head of Inequality, Taxation, and State Capture for Oxfam in Latin America and the Caribbean and signed her reports: Privileges that Deny Rights and Captured Democracies. She has been deputy coordinator of the UNDP Human Development Office in the Dominican Republic, prepared several national human development reports, and is author of several books.


Publications (selection)

2022. Trabajo Doméstico en República Dominicana: Una aproximación a las condiciones de vida y laborales de las personas trabajadoras en el servicio doméstico y su regulación”,(Junio%20de%202022)

2022. “Boletín de estadísticas oficiales de pobreza monetaria en la República Dominicana 2021, año 7 no 9”, , Ministerio de Economía Planificación y Desarrollo de República Dominicana.

2021. “Comunidades de cuidado construyendo una política nacional de cuidados con los actores del territorio”, Ministerio de Economía Planificación y Desarrollo de República Dominicana.

2020. “Covid-19 bajo la lupa - Efectos de la COVID-19 en la pobreza monetaria, la desigualdad y el mercado de trabajo”, , Ministerio de Economía Planificación y Desarrollo de República Dominicana.

2020. “Las desigualdades de género en el centro de la solución a la pandemia de la covid-19 y sus crisis en América Latina y El Caribe” 2020, Fundación Carolina, Madrid.

2018. “Democracias Capturadas: el gobierno de unos pocos Mecanismos de captura de la política fiscal por parte de las élites y su impacto en la desigualdad en América Latina y el Caribe (1990-2017)”, Oxfam y CLACSO.

2017 (Coautora)“. “Se buscan: recursos para garantizar derechos”, Oxfam, República Dominicana.

2016. (Coautora)“Tributación para un crecimiento inclusivo”, CEPAL y OXFAM, Santiago de Chile.;jsessionid=C2AB71316A3656762A547E6782C64384?sequence=1

2015.“Privilegios que niegan derechos: desigualdad extrema y secuestro de la democracia en América latina y el Caribe”, OXFAM, Lima.

2011. El Reto es la Calidad, Informe de Progreso Educativo República Dominicana 2011, PREAL, EDUCA Y Plan Internacional, Santo Domingo 2011.

2010 (Coautora). “Política social, capacidades y derechos. Análisis y propuestas de políticas sociales en República Dominicana”, Oficina de Desarrollo Humano del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

2008. (Coautora). Informe Nacional de Desarrollo Humano. República Dominicana 2008 “Desarrollo humano, una cuestión de poder”. Oficina de Desarrollo Humano del Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).

2007. “Política tributaria, mucho más que una forma de recaudar” 2007. Foros de Políticas Sociales PCMM-FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNF .

2007. (con Olaya Dotel): “Política social en República Dominicana 1930-2007. ¿Inclusión o asistencialismo?”. Centro de Estudios Sociales P. Juan Montalvo. Editorial Búho.

2006. “Cómo hacer incidencia política: dos casos de estudio en República Dominicana” 2006. Progressio y Centro de Estudios Sociales P. Juan Montalvo. Editorial Letra Gráfica. República Dominicana.


Research project as fellow in CALAS (Transatlantic tandem with Julián Cárdenas)

Title: Analysis of the networks of business elites and social movements with the government to design strategies to reduce inequality

Summary: Countries in Latin America face a complex reality of managing after the spread of COVID-19 where business elites and social movements try to influence policies to get out of the crisis. Given this scenario, studies are necessary to provide not only diagnosis
but also solutions.

The main objective of this project is to generate specific proposals to manage the conflict of interests arising from the interaction between business elites, social movements, and government, and to facilitate the adoption of policies that reduce inequality. To achieve this objective, the networks that business elites and social movements establish with governments will be identified and analyzed and then examined how these networks influence the fiscal policies approved after the outbreak of COVID-19, and that most affect inequality. Methods and techniques such as the analysis of large amounts of data (big
data), network analysis, process tracing method, and interviews will be combined. The case of Ecuador will be studied in 2019 and 2021 as it presents mobilizations, business elites with high concentration of income and wealth but different results in fiscal policies. This project allows to establish an alliance between two researchers (Rosa Cañete and Julián Cárdenas) experts in the analysis of elites, inequality, and social organizations, and to promote the construction of networks of work between institutions  from two continents.
