Eduardo Domenech

Eduardo Domenech is researcher at  CONICET and professor in the Cordoba National University. Leads the research program “Critical Latinamerican Studies on Migration and Borders” at the UNC Center for Advanced Studies. He obtained his doctorate in sociology from the University of Salamanca. He has been a member and coordinator of the CLACSO GT "Migration, Culture and Politics". Research migration and border control regimes, policies and practices from a critical perspective. His latest book as co-coordinator is entitled Mobility, border control and migrant struggles (CLACSO / Siglo XXI México, 2022). Website: /


Publications (selection)

2022 (with G. Herrera y L. Rivera Sánchez (coords.). Movilidades, control fronterizo y luchas migrantes (Colección: “Miradas latinoamericanas: Un estado del debate”). Buenos Aires: CLACSO; Ciudad de México: Siglo Veintiuno México.

2022 (with Basualdo, L y Pereira, A.. “Migraciones, fronteras y política de datos: nuevos medios de control del movimiento en el espacio sudamericano”, en Domenech, E.; G. Herrera y L. Rivera Sánchez (coords.) Movilidades, control fronterizo y luchas migrantes. Buenos Aires / Ciudad de México: CLACSO / Siglo Veintiuno México.

2022 (with Pereira, A.). “Migration and Border Control Policies in South America (1900-1945): non-admission, identification, and deportation”, en P. Baisotti (ed.) Social, Political, and Religious Movements in the Modern Americas (Routledge Studies in the History of the Americas). Londres: Routledge.

2021 (with Rivera-Sánchez, L.). “Sociology of Migration in Latin America: Formation and Development of a Field of Study”, en X. Bada y L. Rivera-Sánchez (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Latin America. Nueva York: Oxford University Press, pp. 415-432.

2020 (with Dias, G.). “Regimes de fronteira e ‘ilegalidade’ migrante na América Latina e Caribe”, en Sociologias, N° 55 (septiembre-diciembre), pp. 40-73.

2020. “La ‘política de la hostilidad’ en Argentina: detención, expulsión y rechazo en frontera” / “The ‘politics of hostility’ in Argentina: detention, expulsion and border rejection”, en Estudios Fronterizos, Vol. 21.

2019 (with Boito, E.). “‘Luchas migrantes’ en Sudamérica: reflexiones críticas desde la mirada de la autonomía de las migraciones”, en B. Cordero, S. Mezzadra y A. Varela (eds.) América Latina en movimiento. Migraciones, límites a la movilidad y sus desbordamientos. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños / Tinta Limón / UACM, pp. 159-190.

2017. “Las políticas de migración en Sudamérica: elementos para el análisis crítico del control migratorio y fronterizo”, en Terceiro Milênio. Revista Crítica de Sociologia e Política, Vol. 8, N° 1, enero-junio, pp. 19-48.

2017 (with Pereira, A.). “Estudios migratorios e investigación académica sobre las políticas de migraciones internacionales en Argentina”, en Íconos. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, N° 58, mayo, pp. 83-108.

2015. “Inmigración, anarquismo y deportación: la criminalización de los extranjeros ‘indeseables’ en tiempos de las ‘grandes migraciones’”, en REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, Año 23, N° 45, julio-diciembre, pp. 169-196.

2015. “Controle da imigração ‘indesejável’: expulsão e expulsabilidade na América do Sul”, en Ciência e Cultura, Vol. 67, núm. 2, abril-junio, pp. 25-29.

2013. “‘Las migraciones son como el agua’: Hacia la instauración de políticas de ‘control con rostro humano’. La gobernabilidad migratoria en la Argentina”, en Polis. Revista Latinoamericana, Vol. 12, N° 35, agosto-diciembre, pp. 119-142.


Research proyect as CALAS fellow

Title: The "migratory crises" in the South American space in times of proliferation of borders and ungovernable migrations

Summary: During the last decade, the political field of migration and borders in Latin America and the Caribbean has undergone profound transformations in the last decade while the region has become a scenario of multiple "crises" linked to large movements of migrants and refugees. Based on a multisituated and multiscale approach, this proposal for empirical research seeks to critically investigate the notion of "crisis" in the South American political field of migration and refuge. This inquiry is part of the transformations experienced by the South American regime of migration and borders through the turbulence generated by the expansion of so-called "transit migration" in the region. The general objective is to understand the production of "migratory crises" in the South American space and the different institutional arrangements developed from the intensification of "transit migration" in a context of large population movements and expansion of the border outsourcing process and "humanitarian responses". This project not only seeks to explore the "Venezuelan migration crisis", but also the relationship between the multiple "crises" of migration and refuge that have occurred in a regional context marked by substantive mutations in migrant mobility, as well as the reconfiguration of movement control policies and strategies. In theoretical terms, the project is part of critical migration and border studies and adopts a methodological design supported by ethnographic analysis of the border regime (Hess, 2012; Hess and Kasparek, 2017), operationalized by a multiscale and multilocation approach. The field work contemplates as sites of observation the town of Quito and the border areas Tulcán/Ipiales and Necoclí/Capurganá.

