Lucas G. Christel

Lucas G. Christel holds a PhD in Political Science and a Master in Public Policy and Development Management from the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM). He is currently Assistant Researcher at CONICET, Director of the Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at UNSAM and Adjunct Professor at the School of Politics and Government (UNSAM).

In his current research, he analyzes socio-technical controversies around the risks of extractive industries and explores how to improve institutional and democratic practices to resolve these controversies. He is interested in collective action dynamics, environmental politics, and climate change and biodiversity issues. He has carried out research stays at The Institute for Advanced Study - IAS- (Princeton), Watson Institute (Brown University) and British Columbia University (UBC). He has also been invited to collaborate with the Biodiversity Revisited project, an initiative of the Luc Hoffman Institute (Gland, Switzerland) in collaboration with several global universities and environmental non-governmental organizations.  He has been invited to teach postgraduate courses at CLACSO, Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR), NYU Buenos Aires and Hradec Kralové University (Czech Republic).


Publications (selection):

2023. Lucas Christel, Hans-Jürgen Burchardt y Cecilia Gargano (coords.). ¿De la sustentabilidad al desarrollo? Entre el extractivismo verde y la transformación socioambiental. Buenos Aires: CLACSO / CALAS.

2023. Lucas Christel, Mariana Saidón y Belen Levatino. “Tecnologías emergentes asociadas a riesgos ambientales: El fracking en Mendoza y la termo-valorización en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: coaliciones en controversia”. Revista Iberoamericana De Ciencia, Tecnología Y Sociedad-CTS. 18(53). 51–74.

2023. Lucas Christel, Diego Navarro-Drazich, Andrés Gerique, Isabel Grimm, Maria-Luisa Rendón, Liliane Schlemer Alcântara, Yasmin Abraham, Maria del Rosario Conde y Cecilia De Simón. "Climate change and tourism in South and Central America. Journal of Sustainable Tourism".

2023. Lucas Christel y Gabriela Delamata. “Juridificación, democracia y participación ambiental”. En: Hans-Jürgen Burchardt, Cecilia Gárgano y Lucas Christel (coords.): ¿De la sustentabilidad al desarrollo? Entre el extractivismo verde y la transformación socioambiental. Buenos Aires: CLACSO / UNSAM.

2023. Lucas Christel y R.A. Gutiérrez. “Beyond the lenses of social movements: environmental mobilization in Latin America”. En: F. Rossi (coord.). The Oxford Handbook of Latin American Social Movements. Oxford University Press.

2022. Lucas Christel y E. Mohle. "Divergent Valuation Languages, Sustainability and Environmental Governance: Lessons from a Mining Conflict in Catamarca, Argentina". The Bulletin of Latin American Research (BLAR). 41(4):525-540.

2022. Lucas Christel, D. Pragier y M. Novas. "Juridificación, estrategias de acción y avances de derechos: las comunidades indígenas de Salinas Grandes y la extracción de litio. iconos revista de ciencias sociales, 72: 79-96.

2021. Lucas Christel y R.A. Gutiérrez. The Political Impact of Environmental Mobilization: A Theoretical Discussion in the Light of the Argentine Case. Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CJLACS), 46 (1): 57-76.

2021. Lucas Christel, C. Wyborn, J. Montana, N. Kalas, S. Clement, F. Davila, N. Knowles, E. Louder, M. Balan, J. Chambers, T. Forsyth, G. Henderson, S. Izquierdo Tort, M. Lim, M.J. Martinez‐Harms, J. Merçon, E. Nuesiri, L. Pereira, V. Pilbeam, E. Turnhout, S. Wood, y M. Ryan. An agenda for research and action toward diverse and just futures for life on Earth. Conservation Biology.

2020. Crisis del Covid-19 y crisis ambiental: Breves reflexiones sobre urgencia, vulnerabilidad y responsabilidad. DILEMAS: Revista de Estudos de Conflito e Controle Social, Reflexões na Pandemia. 1-8.

2020.  Protesta y estrategias legales ¿antagónicas o complementarias? El caso de la Asamblea El Algarrobo y su lucha contra la minería a cielo abierto. Revista Electrónica. Instituto de Investigaciones Ambrosio L. Gioja, 24: 23-41.

2020. Resistencias sociales y legislaciones mineras en las provincias argentinas. Los casos de Mendoza, Córdoba, Catamarca y San Juan (2003-2009). Política y Gobierno (CIDE México) 27 (1): 1-24.

2020. Lucas Christel, A, Pelfini, G. Fulquet, y P. Marchegiani. “"Neoextractivism, developmental models and capital formation: Substitutive natural resource governance in South America". En V. Sujatha (ed). Global Capital and Social Diffence. Routledge India.

Steering Committee
Cono Sur y Brazil