Liliana Gómez

Liliana Gómez studied philosophy and architecture at the TU Berlin, the Oslo School of Architecture and Design, Panthéon-Sorbonne and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. She holds a PhD from the Free University of Berlin with a thesis on modernity in Latin America and cultural theories of the urban. Her habilitation and venia legendi in Ibero-Romantic Literary Studies and Cultural Analysis was obtained at the University of Zurich with a study on the theory and history of Caribbean photographic archives. She has been visiting professor in Colombia, Switzerland, USA, Germany, Belgium and Lebanon. Since August 2021 she is Professor of Art and Society at the University of Kassel, with secondary secondment to the Kunsthochschule Kassel and the documenta Institute.

Research areas:

  • Contemporary literary, cultural and media theory.
  • Theory and history of modernity in a global context
  • Theory and history of the archive
  • Literature, art and human rights
  • Visual cultures and photography
  • Aesthetics and postcolonial studies
  • Ecologies of the fluid
  • Ecofeminism


Publications (selection)


2023. Archive Matter. A Camera in the Laboratory of the Modern. diaphanes/Think Art, Zürich.

2021 (Coord.). Performing Human Rights. Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practices in the Global South. diaphanes, Zürich.

2020 (con Lisa Blackmore) (Coord.). Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art. Routledge, New York.

2019 (con Isabel Exner) (Coord.). “Estéticas sucias y cultura-basura. Repensar desechos, residuos y contaminación en las formaciones culturales de América Latina” (Dossier). Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, 2019, Bd. 19, Nr. 72.

2015. “History through Photography.” (Dossier). E.I.A.L. Estudios Interdisciplinarios de América Latina y el Caribe, 26 (2).

2014. Lo urbano. Teorías culturales y políticas de la ciudad en América Latina. Instituto Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, Pittsburgh.

2012 (con Walter van Herck) Coord.) The Sacred in the City. Continuum, London.


Journal articles and book chapters:

2023. “The Archives of Operation Condor. Dissonant Narratives in the Artworks of Paz Encina and Voluspa Jarpa“ En: Sasse, Sylvia, und Kata Kraznahorkai (Coords.), Artists & Agents: Performance Art and Secret Services. Leipzig, Spector Books: 586-599.

2022. “Leakages, Undercurrents, and the Fluid: Liquid Ecologies and Weaving Water in Latin American Arts”, in: Finke, Marcel, und Kassandra Nakas (Hg.), Fluidity: Materials in Motion. Berlin 2022, Reimer: 237-254.

2022. “Circulación de imágenes, mercancías y cuerpos: espacio moderno y violencia epistémica en los archivos fotográficos del Caribe.” En: Ines Yujnovsky (Coord.), Historias latentes. Perspectivas de la fotografía en América Latina. Buenos Aires, Ampersand: 35-59.

2021. “Performing Human Rights. An Introduction.” En: Gómez, Liliana (Coord.). Performing Human Rights. Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practices in the Global South. diaphanes, Zürich, 2021: 7-28.

2021. “Beyond the Courtroom: On Dust, Haunting, and the Archive”, in: Gómez, Liliana (Coord.). Performing Human Rights. Contested Amnesia and Aesthetic Practicesin the Global South. diaphanes, Zürich: 101-138.

2020. “Beyond the Blue. Notes on the Liquid Turn.” En: Gómez, Liliana y Lisa Blackmore (Coords.), Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art. Routledge, New York, 2020: 1-10.

2020. “Acts of Remaining: Liquid Ecologies and Memory Work in Contemporary Art Interventions.“ En: Gómez, Liliana, y Lisa Blackmore (Coords.), Liquid Ecologies in Latin American and Caribbean Art. Routledge, New York: 35-53.

2019. „Die Archive der Operation Condor. Die Arbeit am kollektiven Gedächtnis.“ En: Sasse, Sylvia y Kata Kraznahorkai (Coords.), Artists & Agents. Performancekunst und Geheimdienste. Spector Books, Leipzig: 588-603.

2019 “Estéticas sucias y cultura basura. Repensar desechos, residuos y contaminación en las formaciones culturales de América Latina. Una introducción. En: Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, Vol. 19 (72): 7-12.

2019. “Residuos del archivo y el conflicto de las bananeras en Colombia: Figuraciones de violencia y contra-memoria en la literatura y la fotografía.“ Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, 2019, vol. 19 (72): 81-103.

2019 (con Hamilton, Dell). “Blues/Blank/Black: Performance Art as Gesture, Color, Repetition, Archive”, Iberoamericana. América Latina - España – Portugal, vol. 19 (72): 105-116.

2017. “La masacre de las bananeras: la imagen fotográfica y la literatura.“, En: Schuster, Sven, y Oscar Daniel Hernández Quiñones (Coords.), Imaginando América Latina. Historia y cultura visual, siglos XIX-XXI, Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá: 23-57.

2016. “Re-presenting and Narrating Labor. Coolie Migration in the Caribbean.” En: Müller, Gesine, Michael Zeuske, Ulrike Lindner y Sabine Damir-Geilsdorf (Coords.), Forms of Bonded Labor. Conceptual Approaches Towards a New Comparative Research Framework. Transcript (Global Studies), Bielefeld: 191-217.

Steering Committee