Leticia Calderón Chelius

Leticia Calderon Chelius is a Professor-Researcher at the Mora Institute. PhD in Social Sciences with a major in Political Science from FLACSO-Mexico. She belongs to the National System of Researchers (SNI) Level 2. Is specialist in Migratory Processes, specifically in Political Rights of Migrants (pioneer of studies on the vote of Mexicans abroad), Mexico-United States Relations, forced migration, experiences of displacement by violence and intercultural and hospitable cities (experience of Mexico City). She has taught in different national and international institutions of higher education and thesis
director in her specialty. Since 2010, she has coordinated the virtual network and the "Migrantologos" website specialized in disseminating topics on the international and national migration process.

Publications (selection):

2023 (con M. Aksakal). Articulo introductorio, Migraciones, fronteras y desigualdades, CARTA ECONÓMICA REGIONAL, año 36, núm 132, julio-diciembre 2023.

2023. El creciente malestar con el sistema migratorio internacional, en Saiz, Ana (coordinadora), Vidas Desplazadas. La migración en México, Penguin Random House,

2023. El ombligo enterrado: La ciudadanía y la nacionalidad repensada desde la experiencia migratoria contemporánea en Miguel Vilches y Luis Rodolfo Morán, Migraciones y ciudadanías. Poderes móviles en Centro-Norteamérica, Universidad de Guanajuato/ El Colegio de San Luís, pág 37-60. ISBN Universidad de Guanajuato: 978-607-441-987-0 ISBN El Colegio de San Luis.

2022 Regional approaches: Latin America, en Liliana Jubilut (edit),19th International Association for the study of forced migration conference pág. 38-41

2022 Desplazamiento Forzado en Diccionario de Injusticias, Carlos Pereda (Coord., México, Siglo XXI, pág. 222-228

2022. Desplazamiento forzado interno en el espectro de las movilidades. Entre el deseo por migrar y la necesidad de huir. En Comisión Mexicana de ayuda a refugiados COMAR (2022); Desplazamiento forzado interno en México: del reconocimiento a los desafíos, México, COMAR/SEGOB, pág. 105-113.

2022. Ciudadanos de tercera en México, los naturalizados, en coautoría con Jorge Aljovín en Ortega Ramírez, Adriana Sletza, Homero Vázquez Ramos y Alejandra Verónica Zúñiga (edit), Derecho y Migración, México, Tirant lo Blanch, pág 63-79

2021. Migraciones y Pandemia en América Latina y Caribe, en Barragán, Melany, Hugo Borsani y María del Carmen Villarreal (edit), El Mundo poscovid-19: ¿cambio de paradigma?, Montevideo, 202, ALACIP, Konrad Adenauer, CEISAL, 2021 pp. 123-128

2021. Claves para entender la política migratoria en tiempos de López Obrador en Cadernos de Campo: Revista de Ciencias Sociais, FCLAR y UNESP, Brasil.

2021. La sutil xenofobia que negamos. El caso de México en Nejamkis, Lucila, Luisa Conti y Mustafa Aksakal (edit), (Re) pensando el vínculo entre migración y crisis. Perspectivas desde América latina y Europa, CALAS-CLACSO, Buenos Aires, 2021.

2021 (con Deisy Ventura, Jameson Martins da Silva y Itzel Eguiluz). Migration, Migrants, and Health in Latin America and the Caribbean, Oxford Research Encyclopedias, Global Public Health, 21 January 2022.

2019 (con Itzel Eguiluz, Andrea González y Rebeca Camacho). La ciudad Intercultural. Panorama General sobre el proyecto de hospitalidad de la Ciudad de México SEDEREC/Instituto Mora.

2019. Esas cosas invisibles: los derechos político-electorales de las personas extranjeras en México en ODISEA. Revista de Estudios Migratorios, núm. 6

2018. La Hospitalidad imaginada o como podemos construir una ciudad hospitalaria sin exaltar los mitos que nos dieron patria, México, Sin Fronteras I.A.P.


Research project as fellow in CALAS (Transatlantic tandem with Mustafa Aksakal)

Title: Integration of the migrant population as a challenge for host societies, the case of Mexico

Summary: Integration is a decisive stage of the global migration process that implies a closure of the mobility cycle and poses a settlement process that involves the societies of destination. This process has been addressed mainly in the context of South-North labor migration. However, this issue has become central to South-South migration due to the migration dynamics of the last decade, which is especially notable in the context of international humanitarian migration, visibly in the case of Latin America. Based on this scenario of a new migratory geography in the region accelerated by mass migration from Venezuela and Haiti, this proposal aims to analyze policies and practices related to integrating migrants (often immobilized) in Mexico.
Above all, we are interested in exploring these processes from the different critical moments that have generated the most recent migratory flows in the region. How do transit countries manage forward migration? What are the national and local immigration and integration policy measures in Mexico? What role do economic and civil society actors play in this? How is a public image constructed through the media and various social actors of immigrants? Guided by these and other related questions, this proposal aims to examine the scenario in which the integration of foreigners takes place in two border cities
(Tapachula and Ciudad Juárez) and two metropolitan areas (Mexico City and Monterrey) to detail existing integration policies and practices and to point out the structural barriers faced by people face in (in)mobility once they are established in the country.
