Camila Braga

Camila Braga is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of International Relations (IRI) of the University of São Paulo and the Center for Advanced Studies of Latin America (CALAS) at the University of Costa Rica (regional headquarters). She is a founding member of the Center for Conflict and Peace Studies (PCC) of the University of São Paulo. Doctor in Political Science, with an emphasis on International Politics, from the Postgraduate Program in Political Science at the University of São Paulo (DCP / USP); Master in International Relations of the Postgraduate Program of San Tiago Dantas in International Relations (UNESP / UNICAMP / PUC-SP), in the area of ​​concentration "Peace, Defense and International Security" (2013); and has a degree in International Relations from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2009). She is currently a researcher associated with the International Relations Research Center (NUPRI-USP), the Center for Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP) of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies; and Global Fellow of the Center for Human Rights and Humanitarian Studies (CHRHS) at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs, Brown University.

From October 2019 to June 2020 she resides as a fellow of CALAS at the Central America and Caribbean regional headquarters in San José, Costa Rica.



Articles / Chapters (selection)

(in press). "Peace Studies". En: Manish Thapa y Scott Nicholas Romaniuk (coords.): The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies.

(in press). "Protection of Civilians". En: Manish Thapa y Scott Nicholas Romaniuk (coords.): The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies.

(in press). Resilience. En: Manish Thapa y Scott Nicholas Romaniuk (coords.): The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies.

2019. Camila Braga, Rafael Duarte Villa y Fabrício H. Chagas-Bastos. “Hybrid Security Governance in South America: An Empirical Assessment.” Latin American Politics and Society 61 (4). 72–94. 

2019 Camila Braga y V. B. Matijasici: "Capítulo 5. Operações de Paz: passado, presente e futuro". En: organizadores: Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, Roberta Holanda Maschietto y Paulo Roberto Loyolla Kuhlmann (coords.): Estudos para a paz : conceitos e debates. São Cristóvão: Editora UFS.

2018. Camila Braga y J. P. Bigatão: "Operações de Manutenção da Paz". En: Dicionário de Segurança e Defesa. São Paulo: UNESP. 

2018. Camila Braga y R. A. D. Villa: "Segurança Internacional". En: Dicionário de Segurança e Defesa. São Paulo: UNESP. 

2018. Camila Barga, T. Babo y R. A. D. Villa: "Segurança Regional". En: Dicionário de Segurança e Defesa. São Paulo: UNESP. 

2016. Camila Barga y M.S. Minayo: (revisão do livro). "El caso de Darfur: limitaciones políticas à responsabilidade de proteger". Mural Internacional 7 (1). 

2016. “O Conflito Armado em Darfur - Sudão". Série Conflitos Internacionais 3. 1-8.  

2014. "Comissão Nacional Da Verdade (CNV). Relatório Final". Comissão Nacional da Verdade.


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Securitarian Governance in Central America and the Caribbean: new conflicts, actors and protection policies.

Abstract: The research proposed here integrates and gives continuity to the interdisciplinary project "Paz estable, formación y solución de conflictos en América latina: representación de sistemas de seguridad regional en un atlas político", coordinated by Professor Rafael Duarte Villa (USP - DCP / IRI), with the support of the CNPq (Process No. 43151 / 2015-6) and FAPESP (Regular Project, No. 2017 / 25163-0). In this part of the project, we will analyze how non-state armed groups (GANE) transformed their practices in Central America and the Caribbean over the last decades. In some countries, going through processes of democratic transition, political violence has migrated to forms of criminal violence, as can be seen in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. The nexus between armed conflict and crime has also been documented in the case of Colombia and similar practices can be identified at various scales in the region. Our proposal is to problematize, on the one hand, the transformation in the practices of these actors and the way in which they exercise their agency action, as well as the role that the violence carried out by them, plays in the transformation of power relations and practices of security at different scales (local, national, subregional and regional). On the other hand, we analyze how security policies and practices were altered to confront them, varying from the analysis of international security agendas and policies to the local and community practices of those who act in the confrontation of armed violence in their daily lives.

Centroamérica y el Caribe