Maristella Svampa: Las fronteras del neoextractivismo en América Latina

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The present book analyzes the progress of neo-extractivism in Latin America, through four fundamental nuclei. 1) It proposes the categories of neo-extractivism and Commodity Consensus as privileged vantage points for reading the current crisis. 2) It analyzes the different phases of neo-extractivism, from 2003 to the present. 3) It addresses the social resistances and the new political grammars, from the concept of the ecoterritorial turn and places the accent on the advance of indigenous peoples and the increasing protagonism of women. 4) It illustrates the current stage of expansion of the frontiers of extractivism (criminal territorialities, patriarchal violence, extreme energies). The closing proposes a more general reflection on the North-South relationship and the crisis of the Anthropocene.


Maristella Svampa is a Doctor of Sociology, writer and researcher. She lives in Buenos Aires (Argentina) where she works as a Senior Researcher for Conicet and is a Professor of Latin American Social Theory at the National University of La Plata. She is the author of several books on Argentine and Latin American issues.

To read the text in German, see the version published by Bielefeld University Press. 

To read the text in English, see the version published by Cambridge University Press


Saturday, December 1, 2018