Víctor Santillán

Víctor Santillán holds a PhD in Social Science with a major in Sociology from El Colegio de México and is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNII). He is a professor of the Graduate Program in Political and Social Sciences at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. During his academic career, he has consolidated his expertise in qualitative methodological strategies, focusing mainly on ethnographic and biographical methods. With this toolbox, she has conducted in-depth studies on indigenous community movements in Mexico, oriented to the understanding of processual configurations of collective action; socio-dynamics of self-government; power relations; socio-political tensions and conflicts; municipal elections; forms of exclusion-inclusion in community democracies. Currently, his research focus is directed towards the legislative political representation of collective identities historically marginalized in the political process.

Recent publications

2023. Entre compromiso y distanciamiento: (auto)reflexiones sobre los estudios del movimiento indígena comunitario de Cherán, Michoacán. Andes, Antropología e Historia. Vol. 34, N° 1, Enero-Junio 2023, pp. 127-162.

2022. Pensar la comunidad con Norbert Elias: componentes estructurales de un concepto figuracional. Sociológica,  37(15). 0/1761

2021. Comuneros y talamontes: cooperación y conflicto en la devastación del bosque en Cherán, Michoacán (2006- 2011). Revista CIFE, 23(39).


Research project at CALAS

Title: Legislative political representation and political trajectories of indigenous and Afro-Mexican deputations: collective identities, shared experience and critical actors.

Abstract: Political representation in legislative bodies is essential for the functioning of contemporary democracies. However, the relationship between the dimensions of representation and the political trajectories of legislators has been little explored. This project aims to write a manuscript (essay) analyzing how the dimensions of political representation (formal, descriptive, symbolic and substantive) intertwine with the political trajectories of indigenous and Afro-Mexican legislators in Mexico's current legislature, highlighting the impact of collective identity, shared group experience and the notion of critical actors in the legislative process.

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