Soledad Stoessel has a Ph.D. in Social Sciences and a BA in Sociology from the National University of La Plata (UNLP). She has a Master's Degree in Political Sciences from FLACSO-Ecuador. She is currently a professor at the Epistemology of Social Sciences chair. She is a visiting professor-researcher in the master's degree in Political Sociology at FLACSO Ecuador. She is also a postdoctoral fellow at CONICET (Argentina) and participates in research projects based at the Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences (UNLP-CONICET) and at FLACSO-Ecuador. She is currently directing an investigation on the State, corporatism, and democracy in Ecuador. She has participated as a lecturer and exhibitor in international academic events, such as the University of London, the University of Wuppertal, and UNAM, among others.
Articles / Chapters (selection)
2019. Soledad Stoessel, L. Cadahia, V. Coronel y J.C. Guanche: "Hacia una nueva lógica del populismo: de la ruptura de las instituciones a la institucionalidad rupturista". En: Recerca. Revista de Pensament i Anàlisi 1 (25).
2019. "Putsch securitario y litigio de opinión: el 30-S de 2010 en el Ecuador". En: Ianina Lois y Luis Wainer (coords.). Medios de comunicación y procesos de desestabilización en América Latina. Buenos Aires: Ediciones del Centro Cultural de la Cooperación.
2018. "Le «pouvoir du volant» en Argentine et en Bolivie dans le cycle postnéolibéral". En: Cahiers Des Amériques Latines (86). 35-50.
2018. Soledad Stoessel y Franklin Ramírez Gallegos: "El incómodo lugar de las instituciones en la 'populismología' latinoamericana". En: Estudios Políticos (52).106-127.
2018. "The 'steering wheel class' during the process of political change in Bolivia (2006-2014)". En: Kate Maclean (coord.): Revolutions in Bolivia. London: Institute of Latin American Studies, University of London. (in press). 96-104.
2016. "État et représentation politique dans l’Équateur contemporain: le cas des transporteurs syndiqués". En: Cahiers Des Amérique Latines (83). 33-51.
2016. Soledad Stoessel y Franklin Ramírez Gallegos: "Campos de conflitividade política e movimentos sociais no Equador da Revolução Cidadã". En: Plural, Revista do Programa de Pós -Graduação em Sociologia da USP 22 (1).4-29.
Project as a Fellow of CALAS
Title: Decorporativization and capture of the State of the economic elites in Ecuador (2007-2017)
This research project undertakes a transdisciplinary study to investigate the relationship between elites and political change based on an in-depth analysis of the links between financial elites and the State in Ecuador during 2007-2017. The changing dynamics and strategies of large economic-financial groups in response to various government policies are examined, using a combination of methodological designs. In addition to the intensive investigation of quantitative data, its categorization, and periodization, the method process tracing will be used to map the strategies of financial elites according to different conjunctures and events of the political process, such as regulatory changes, elections, major political conflicts, among others. The findings of this research will make it possible to contribute to three thematic fields located at three different analytical levels: the margins of state action to twist institutional legacies (structural), the role played by the elites in the genesis, perpetuation, or reversal of positions of power, and the inequalities (agency); and the mechanisms and political strategies with which the state, government, and elites are linked to each other in a constant power dispute (relational level).