Natalia Quiceno

Natalia Quiceno Toro (Doctor in Social Anthropology. National Museum. Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) is a professor and researcher at the Institute of Regional Studies of the University of Antioquia. She is attached to the research group Culture, violence, and territory. Her works focus on topics such as forced mobility, exile, memory, ethnographies of violence, and political transitions. In the last 10 years, she has worked with Afro-Colombian victims' collectives in the North Pacific region of Colombia.

She is currently researching repairing trades and textile practices in collectives of artisans and memory seamstresses. She participates as a researcher in the project "Mending the new: practicing reconciliations through textile work and digital memory in the transition to the post-conflict in Colombia." The National University of Colombia, University of Antioquia, University of Los Andes, University of Nottingham, University of Warwick, University of Lancaster. A project of the call "Sustainable Peace" Newton Caldas Fund. COLCIENCIAS.



Monographs (selection)

2021. Bordar, cantar y cultivar espacios de dignidad: ecologías del duelo y mujeres atrateñas. San José: Colección Avances de Investigación – CIHAC – Sección CALAS.

2016. Vivir Sabroso. Luchas y Movimientos afroatrateños en Bojayá. Chocó. Colombia. Bogotá: Editorial Universidad del Rosario. 


Articles / Chapters (selection)

2020. Quiceno Toro, N., & Villamizar Gelves, A. Mujeres atrateñas, oficios reparadores y espacios de vida. Revista Colombiana De Antropología, 56(2), 111-137.

2017. “La Política del Canto y el poder de las Alabadoras. Musas de Pogue. Bojayá. Chocó”. En: Revista de Estudios Políticos (50). 

2015. Natalia Quiceno Toro, María Ochoa Sierra y Adriana Villamizar: "Embarcados por la vida. Luchas y movimientos afroatrateños en medio de la Guerra en Colombia". En: Alejandro Castillejo Cuéllar (coord.): Proceso de paz y perspectivas democráticas en Colombia. - 1a ed. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. 

2014. "Historia, Contingencia y Política en Stuart Hall: herramientas para pensar la transformación y reparación en Bellavista, Bojayá. Chocó". En: Eduardo Restrepo (coord): Stuart Hall desde el sur: legados y apropiaciones. - 1a ed. Buenos Aires: CLACSO. 


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Ecologies of care, Afro-descendant women and peace bets in the city of Quibdó in the Colombian Pacific

Abstract: The project aims to identify and describe the ecologies and spatialities of care that are configured in the elaboration of rooftops (raised gardens) by displaced Afro-Chocoan women in the city of Quibdó and the ways in which these contribute to the processes of recomposition in contexts of political transition. It seeks to deepen the knowledge and practices associated with the care of plants as a strategy for the maintenance of vital spaces and the strengthening of care ecologies characteristic in the midst of exile and precariousness. The relationship between war, environmental and territorial damage will be explored from the experience of black women displaced from rural territories who today must live in the city. These experiences make visible the ways in which ways of sustaining life and building the common are reconfigured and recreated while answering and transforming the landscapes of destruction, dispossession, and contamination configured during several decades of armed conflict.

