Martin Ribadero

Martin Ribadero is a Doctor of Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, Faculty of Social Sciences. Previously, he completed a Master's Degree in Sociology of Culture and Cultural Analysis at the Institute of High Social Studies-National University of San Martín (UNSAM), where he is now a regular associate Professor at the School of Humanities. He is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Center for Documentation and Research of the Culture of the Left in Argentina (CeDInCI), of UNSAM, of the Academic Committee of the Institute of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (IEALC), of the University of Buenos Aires, and the collective editor of the magazine Política de la Memoria. Anuario de Investigación e Información, CeDInCI-UNSAM.



Monographs (selection)

2017. Tiempo de profetas. Ideas, debates y labor cultural en la Izquierda Nacional de Jorge Abelardo Ramos (1945-1962). Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.


Articles / Chapters (selection)

2019: “La revolución cubana: una perspectiva historiográfica”. En: Boletín del Instituto de Historia Argentina y Americana “Dr. Emilio Ravignani”. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad de Buenos Aires. 

2018: “La batalla del libro: edición y política en las izquierdas argentinas del siglo XX”. En: Anuario IEHS, Instituto de Estudios Histórico-Sociales “Prof. Juan Carlos Grosso”. Argentina: Facultad de Ciencias Humanas, Universidad Nacional del Centro, Tandil. 

2016: “El marxismo latinoamericano de papel. La política editorial de Jorge Abelardo Ramos a comienzos de los años sesenta”. En: Revista Trabajos y comunicaciones

2015: “La Revolución cubana y la ‘Izquierda Nacional’ de Jorge Abelardo Ramos: ideas y debates en la cultura de izquierdas a principios de la década de 1960”. En: Revista Nuevo Mundo Mundos Nuevos.

2015: “El malestar de una cultura política. La ‘Izquierda Nacional’ de Jorge Abelardo Ramos ante el frondicismo”. En: Cuadernos de Historia. Serie economía y sociedad. 

2015: “Cartas antiimperialistas. La correspondencia latinoamericana de Jorge Abelardo Ramos (1950-1960)”. En: Políticas de la Memoria. Anuario de Investigaciones e información del Centro de Documentación e Investigación de la Cultura de Izquierdas en la Argentina (CeDInCI) (15), verano 2014/2015. 87-96. 

2014: “Jorge Abelardo Ramos y América Latina. Los orígenes discursivos de la ‘Izquierda Nacional’ argentina”. En: Jahrbuch Für Geschichte Lateinamerikas (51). 413-439. 


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Crisis, reconversion, and restriction: Cuba, the United States, and Latin America in the "post-cold war"

Abstract: The objective of the research is to analyze the relations between Cuba and the United States from the Cold War until the present decade, to understand the particularity of the crisis that these two countries are going through. The hypothesis that guides the project tries to show that, despite the reestablishment of international networking carried out by the government of former President Barack Obama, the current administration of Donald Trump tightened and limited the trade and diplomatic controls for the purpose of not confronting the fight against communism, but because of the close economic and commercial relationship that Cuba has had with Venezuela for years. At a time when the island is facing a process of internal social and economic reform, while encouraging the rapprochement promoted by former President Obama, the arrival of Trump to power disturbed the axes where the geopolitical and economic interests of both countries are based. , as a result of the decision of the current US president to venture into the resolution of the Venezuelan crisis. Such a change represents the beginning of a new restriction between these nations, all of which, in addition to altering the relative stability achieved, surrounds Latin America at a time of uncertainty for the future.

The research proposes to understand the critical current situation that Cuba and the United States are going through by re-establishing the history of this link from the triumph of the revolution led by Fidel Castro to the current US administration, taking into account not only international policies by this deployed but also the problems it posed for the Cuban nation in general. One of the also significant objectives of the project is to analyze the consequences that this policy generates for the Caribbean island, at a time of reforms in economic and social matters that attempt to modify the post-revolutionary society.
