Mara Viveros Vigoya is a doctor in Anthropology, School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences of Paris (EHESS); Master in Latin American Studies (IHEAL, Paris III), and an economist at the National University of Colombia. Titular Professor of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the National University of Colombia, she has taught and developed a good part of her research projects since 1998 in the Department of Anthropology and the School of Gender Studies, where she was a director in 2010-2012 and 2016-2018. She has been a visiting professor of the Simón Bolivar Chair (IHEAL Paris III) and at École des Hautes en Sciences Sociales (2010), UAM-Xochimilco (2013), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina (2016), as well as The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland (2017). In 2014-2015, she was a member of the Social Science School of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University. She is currently President of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).
Monographs (selection)
2021. El oxímoron de las clases medias negras. Movilidad social e interseccionalidad en Colombia. Guadalajara / Bielefeld / San José / Quito / Bueno Aires: CALAS.
2018. Les couleurs de la Masculinité. Expériences intersectionnelles et pratiques de pouvoir, en: Amérique Latine, Paris : Editions la Découverte.
2018. As cores da masculinidade Experiências interseccionais e práticas de poder na Nossa América, Rio de Janeiro: Papéis Selvagens.
Articles / Chapters (selection)
2018. "Race, Indigeneity and Gender: Colombian Feminism Learning, Lessons for Global Feminism". En: James W Messerschmidt, Patricia Yancey Martin, Michael A. Messner & Raewyn Connell (eds.), Gender Reckonings. New Social Theory and Research, New York: New York University Press, pp. 90-110.
2018. "De la extraversión a las epistemologías nuestramericanas: Un descentramiento en clave feminista". En: Santiago Gómez Obando, Catherine Moore Torres y Leopoldo Múnera Ruiz (coords.): Los saberes múltiples y las ciencias sociales y políticas, Bogotá, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, pp. 171-192.
2017. Viveros, Mara y Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónke: "La invención de las mujeres. Una perspectiva africana sobre los discursos occidentales del género. Bogotá: en la Frontera". En: Revista LiminaR, Estudios Sociales y Humanísticos, 16 (1). 2013-2206.
2017. "Intersecciones, periferias y heterotopías en las cartografías de la sexualidad". En: Sexualidad, Salud y Sociedad. Revista Latinoamericana, 27. 220-241.
2017. "Les études de genre et les mouvements ethnico-raciaux en Colombie. Entre méfiances et défis, en: Régions & Cohésion, 7 (3). 95-110.
2017. Viveros, Mara; Arango Gaviria y Luz Gabriela. "Los estudios feministas y de género: un campo de pensamiento y transformación social". En: Estela Restrepo Zea, Clara Helena Sánchez, Gustavo Silva Carrero (coords): Economía, Lenguaje, Trabajo y Sociedad, tomo 2.3. 156-183.
2016. "La contestación del género, cuestión nodal de la política sexual en Colombia". Disponible en:
2016. "La interseccionalidad: una aproximación situada a la dominación". En: Debate Feminista.1-17.
2016. "Masculinities in the continuum of violence in Latin America". En: Feminist Theory, 17 (2). 229-237.
2016. "Blanqueamiento social, nación y moralidad en América Latina". En: Messeder, Suely, Mary Garcia Castro y Laura Moutinho (coords.): Enlaçando Sexualidades. Uma tesitura interdisciplinar no reino das sexualidades e das relaçoes de gênero, Salvador, Bahia: Edufba. 17-39.
2015. "Social Mobility, Whiteness, and Whitening in Colombia" En: The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, 20 (3). 496–512.
2015. "L’intersectionnalité au prisme du féminisme latinoaméricain". En: Raisons Politiques, (58). 39-54.
2015. "Sex/Gender". En: Lisa Disch and Mary Hawkesworth (coords.): The Oxford Handbook of Feminist Theory, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 852-874.
2015. "The sexual erotic market as an analytical framework for understanding erotic-affective exchanges in interracial sexually intimate and affective relationships". En: Culture, Health & Sexuality, 17 (1). 1-13.
2014. "Con Lesmes Sergio. Cuestiones raciales y construcción de Nación en tiempos de multiculturalismo". En: Universitas Humanistica, (77). 13-31.
2013. "Género, raza y nación. Los réditos políticos de la masculinidad blanca". En: Maguaré, 27 (1). 71-104.
Project as a fellow of CALAS
Title: Black middle classes in Colombia: social inequalities, ethnic-racial identities, and experiences of intersectionality
Abstract: This project seeks to examine, focusing on the intersectionality of race, gender, and class, the processes of social mobility of Colombia's black middle classes and the scope and limitations of the liberal multiculturalist model to eliminate social inequalities that affect Afro-Colombians. It does so from three investigative perspectives: that of social inequalities, that of ethnic-racial identities, and that of intersectionality. The first perspective focuses on social inequalities, a structural feature of Latin American societies. The project emphasizes the relevance of dissociating class factors from racial factors in addressing social inequalities. At the same time, it highlights the importance of studying experiences of racial discrimination in non-popular sectors in the Colombian context, where class and race often overlap. The second perspective focuses on the place of Afro-descendant populations in the narratives of Colombian national identity and on the emergence of a “black” ethnic-racial identity in the framework of miscegenation and multiculturalism. It seeks to show the effects of homogenizing nationalisms and the persistent European imaginary in the limited social space, political and symbolic, that Afro-descendant populations have occupied and continue to occupy in Colombia and Latin America. The third perspective examines social ascent as the result of the objective and subjective effects of the intersection and confluence of ethnic and racial inequalities and discriminations with those of class, gender, and sexuality. The proposal adopts an intersectional theoretical, methodological approach to analyze the social ascent of the “black” populations in Colombia through the experiences and intertwined relations of race, gender, and class that configures said process.