Franco Delle Donne

Franco Delle Donne holds a PhD in Communication from the Freie Universität Berlin, a Master's Degree in Democracy and Government from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and a Bachelor's Degree in Social Communication from the Universidad Nacional de la Matanza. He is dedicated to the development of communication projects for academic dissemination and political education. He is the founder of Epidemia Ultra, a transmedia project of study, analysis and dissemination of academic production on the ultra-right in the world. He gives seminars and workshops on the political thought of the new right wing, the current development in different countries, the differences between the European and Latin American radical right wing and other related topics such as radicalization processes, anti-feminism as a gateway to the ultra right wing and the communication strategies of the radical right wing in Europe. He is a guest professor at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin and collaborates with various media such as Deutsche Welle, France 24, Revista Anfibia and Agenda Pública.




2019. Regierungskommunikation und politische Unterstützung. Kommunikationstrategien bei politischen Streitthemen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

2019. Coautoría con Jerez, A. Epidemia Ultra. La ola reaccionaria que contagia a Europa. Berlin: Independiente.

2017. Coautoría con Jerez, A.  Factor AfD. El retorno de la ultraderecha a Alemania. Madrid: Ed.


2022. La derecha radical populista. En: Astrolabio. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25: 51-60.

2022. Coautoría con Tagina, M.L.  El framing de la economía en la prensa local de Argentina: Explicando el sesgo pro gobierno. En: Latin American Research Review 57(2): 388-407.

2022. ¿Peor que el fascismo?. En Revista Anfibia. Argentina.

2022. La policrisis en Alemania. En Review. Argentina.

2021. De libertarios a neopatriotas: los nuevos rostros de la derecha latinoamericana. En El Orden Mundial. España.

Recent seminars and conferences:

  • December 2023 – Coloquio de investigadores postdoctorales. “Wissenschaftskommunikation und Rechtspopulismus” (“Comunicación científica y populismo de derechas”). Freie Universität Berlin.
  • November to december 2023 – Dirección del Seminario asíncrono “Las Raíces de la Ultraderecha”. Werkstatt für Sozialforschung (asociación alemana de formación política), Germany.
  • July 2023 – Conferencia “Radicalización en democracia. Herramientas para comprender el fenómeno”. Universidad Nacional de la Matanza, Argentina.
  • November to December 2022 – Dirección del Seminario asíncrono “Genealogía del Pensamiento Político de las Nuevas Derechas”. En conjunto con la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina.
  • November 2022 – Seminario “Epidemias de ultraderecha. La comunicación de la derecha radical”. Diplomatura en comunicación 360”. Universidad Nacional Guillermo Brown (UNaB), Argentina.
  • August 2022 – Seminario “Nunca sucederá aquí. Claves para entender el crecimiento de la derecha radical populista”. Instituto del Servicio Exterior de la Nación, Argentina.


CALAS Research Project

Title: The use of radicalizing narratives for the construction of new political identities. Genealogy and analysis of radicalized political discourse in Latin America: the cases of Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico.

Abstract: Around the world, the political relevance of parties, movements or other political actors that challenge basic democratic foundations is increasing. They use discourses that gradually shape new political identities that, although they may seem novel, have their roots in the political thinking of the radical right of a century ago. These discourses are built through the use of radicalizing narratives that have two main functions: to normalize anti-democratic and exclusionary discourses, and to legitimize inequality. In different international forums these political actors, who adhere to the political family of the radical right, traffic these narratives, disseminate them and then adapt them to local contexts. This work aims to identify and understand the radicalizing narratives, their structure and interpretative framework in Latin America, through the analysis of the discourse of radicalized political leaders in Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico. The project seeks to contribute to the understanding and prevention of political radicalization in Latin America and its main objective is the production of a book on the phenomenon. It also aims to disseminate the findings in an accessible format, such as a podcast, and at the same time to generate some recommendations for the articulation of prevention and containment policies.

Investigador Identidad y crisis: