Bruno López Petzoldt

Bruno López Petzoldt is a Doctor in Literature and Cinema, and a graduate in Hispanic Literature and Media Cultures from the University of Hamburg in Germany. As a researcher, he is a member of the Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform of the University of Frankfurt, and visiting professor of the Master Moving Cultures: Transcultural Encounters of the same. He was also a fellow of the German Academic Exchange System (DAAD) in Argentina and Brazil. He was a teacher and researcher at the Institute of Romance Philologies and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Hamburg in literature, film, and media. He was also visiting professor at the Hamburg Academy of Film and Media. He currently works as a professor at the Latin American Institute of Art, Culture, and History, and the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Latin American Studies at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila) in Brazil. Among his fields of work are the Cultural Studies of Collective Memory and the interrelationships between memory, literature, and cinema; interrelationships in the media, as well as theoretical aspects in literary and film studies.



Monographs (selection)

2022. Recordar para perdurar. La participación del cine en la reparación de experiencias traumáticas. Guadalajara y Bielefeld: Universidad de Guadalajara/CALAS/Bielefeld University Press.

2014. Los relatos de Julio Cortázar en el cine de ficción (1962-2009), Nexos y Diferencias: Estudios de la Cultura de América Latina, Vol. 40. Madrid y Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert.


Articles / Chapters (selection)

2022. “Paraguay”. En: Jochen Kemner et al. (eds). La guerra en Ucrania. Miradas desde América Latina. Guadalajara: CALAS, 41-45.

2020. “Perspectivas traumáticas del stronismo”. En: Roland Spiller, Kirsten Mahlke y Janett Reinstädler (eds.). Trauma y memoria cultural: Hispanoamérica y España. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter. 449-462.

2019. "El ritual del cine en los cuentos de Julio Cortázar". En: Jörg Türschmann y Matthias Hausmann (coords.). La literatura argentina y el cine. El cine argentino y la literatura. Madrid y Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert. 179-210.

2017. "Voces de la memoria comunicativa en el cine: Profesión cinero (2007) y Tren Paraguay (2011)". En: Iberoamericana. América Latina – España – Portugal 17 (65). 17-44. 

2017. "Aproximaciones a dos redes transmediáticas de la memoria colectiva del stronismo en Ejercicios de memoria de Paz Encina". En: deSignis (27). 85-93.

2016. "Más allá del homenaje: potenciales del cine y los productos audiovisuales en el estudio de la obra de Julio Cortázar". En: Roland Spiller (coord.). Julio Cortázar y Adolfo Bioy Casares: relecturas entrecruzadas. Berlin: Erich Schmidt. 166-182.

2015. "Stroessner después de Stroessner: Los pecadores del Vaticano de Bernardo Neri Farina y la memoria colectiva en el cine, la televisión y la literatura del Paraguay contemporáneo". En: Rosane Maria Cardoso (coord.): Voz, memória e literatura: narrativas sobre a violência na América Latina. Curitiba: Appris. 105-131.

2015. "Memoria, escritura y poesía en Principio de Miguel Ángel Caballero Mora". En: Cadernos de Estudos Culturais: Brasil/Paraguai/Bolívia 1 (14). 9-18.


Project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Between collective memory, trauma and forgetfulness: interactions of literature and cinema in the memory culture of contemporary Paraguay

Abstract: In contemporary Paraguay, a culture of memory emerges focused on investigating and disseminating both crimes against humanity, as well as examining the aftermath of the Alfredo Stroessner regime (1954-1989). In this sociocultural framework, marked by memories, numerous literary and cinematographic works are inscribed that promote significant spaces of remembrance. The different ways in which those narratives reconfigure and question collective memories reflect the symptoms of a contemporary society, which traces the normative and formative forces of its culture and identity in its historical past. This research project examines how literature, cinema, as well as symbolic representations in general, contribute to the dialogic processes of memory construction. It is also investigated through which literary and audiovisual narratives the Paraguayan collective memory is reconstructed, and what are the specificities of these cultural processes of remembrance with respect to other regional and continental manifestations. On the other hand, interdisciplinary methodological approaches capable of systematizing the multiple dynamics and cine-literary interactions in relation to memories, on a meta-theoretical and epistemological plane, are reviewed.
