Andrea Gigena

Andrea Gigena is a Doctor in Social Sciences (University of Buenos Aires), Magister in Public Administration (National University of Córdoba), and graduate in Political Science (Catholic University of Córdoba). Associate Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) of Argentina. Visiting Researcher/Professor at the Center for Intercultural and Indigenous Studies (CIIR) in the city of Santiago de Chile (2016) and; at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Panama, in Panama City (2017). She was a professor of Epistemology at the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations of the Catholic University of Córdoba and has taught various postgraduate courses (preferably in the area of ​​Research Methodology) in Argentina and Colombia. She specializes in Feminism, Gender, Ethnicity, and Politics in Latin America, in a comparative perspective.


Monographs (selection)

2022. La politicación feminista e indígena en Abya Yala. Encrucijadas y discontinuidades. Guadalajara: CALAS / Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara.

2013. Procesos de subjetivación de indígenas y campesinos en luchas por la tierra en el norte de Argentina. Córdoba: Editorial EDDUC.
2013. El grito ancestral - Sapucay maitei (producción colectiva UCC - Comunidad Indígena Guaraní Estación El Tabacal/La Loma). Córdoba: Editorial EDDUC

Articles / Chapters (selection)

2018. “El tiempo de las mujeres. Aproximaciones a la idea de locus de enunciación feminista a partir de experiencias de trabajo con mujeres-indígenas”. En: Revista Descentrada 2 (2.4).
2018. “Mujeres-Indígenas y decisiones políticas. Alcances y limitaciones de la institucionalización indígena y de género en Chile”. En: Revista de Estudios de Género, La Ventana (48).
2018. (coautoría): “Institucionalidad indígena/de género y políticas públicas dirigidas a mujeres-indígenas en Chile: los casos de CONADI y SERNAM”. En: Revista Perspectivas de Políticas Públicas 7 (14).
2017. “¿Guardianas de la Cultura o guardianas de las Luchas? Aproximaciones para un análisis tipológico de la participación política de mujeres-indígenas”. Revista Religación 2 (8).
2015. “Participación política de mujeres indígenas-campesinas en Santiago del Estero (Argentina): huellas de feminismo en los márgenes”. Revista Entramados y Perspectivas de la Carrera de Sociología (UBA) 5 (5).
2015. “Movilización indígena, subjetivación política y etnicidad. Los efectos inmediatos del “Malón de la Paz” entre los Kollas salteños del TINKUNAKU”. Revista Intersticios de la política y la cultura. Intervenciones latinoamericanas 4 (7).
2014. “Los dilemas de la despatriarcalización en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia”. Revista Venezolana de Estudios de la Mujer 19 (42).


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: State management of ethnicity and gender: a comparative analysis of the National Mechanisms of Women during the progressive period in Ecuador and Bolivia

Abstract: From a comparative study of cases (Ecuador and Bolivia), with this project, I propose to analyze the modes of state management of ethnicity and gender in the National Mechanisms for Women between 2005-2019 and the social representations that indigenous women have about autonomy and integration based on their link (as civil servants; counterpart or "beneficiaries") with the state management of ethnicity and gender in the National Mechanisms for Women in Bolivia and Ecuador.

The methodology construction and analysis of information contemplate a complementarity of approaches: an extensive strategy, based on secondary sources (collection and analysis of documentary material) and another intensive strategy based on primary sources (interviews with key informants and in-depth interviews with indigenous women). The selection of the interviewees will be determined by an intentional sampling and the number of people will depend on the level of theoretical saturation. The information from the interviews will be crossed with the documentary information.

Likewise, and as an “epistemic supervision”, the reflections of Lina Tuhiwai Smith (2016) regarding research with Indigenous Peoples will be taken into account.

As a result, it seeks to present an analytical narrative by country and, later, a narrative based on the analysis of similarities and differences between one case and another. All this has the purpose of generating a conceptual framework that, with the advance, deepening, and contribution of successive studies, explains in a more general way the problem of the political citizenship of indigenous women and the subordination of gender in the field of state policy in Latin America.
