Julia Roth

Julia Roth is a researcher in the research project “The Americas as a space of intertwining” at the Center for Inter-American Studies (CIAS) and a professor at the Faculty of Literature and Linguistics at the University of Bielefeld in Germany. Previously, she worked as a postdoctoral fellow in the interdisciplinary and international project “ - interdependent inequalities in Latin America” at the Freie Universität Berlin and a professor at the Latin American Institute (FU Berlin) and the center for transdisciplinary gender studies (HU Berlin). Her research took her to Mexico, Argentina, Nigeria, the United States, Peru, Puerto Rico, and Cuba. Her Ph.D. thesis dealt with Western gender constructions from Latin America. Her current research focuses on transnational productions of feminist knowledge in Hip Hop and intersectional approaches to inequality. Apart from her academic activities, she organizes political-cultural events.

Recent publications:

Books and editions:

2021: Cherishing the Past, Envisioning the Future. Entangled Practices of Heritage and Utopia in the Americas 2021, (con Olaf Kaltmeier, Mirko Petersen y Wilfried Raussert (Coords.)). Trier: WVT.

2017: Cultures of Resistance? Theories and Practices of Transgression in the Caribbean and its Diasporas, (Ed. with Annika McPherson, Wiebke Beushausen u.a.):  Reihe InterAmerican Research: Contact, Communication, Conflict, Farnham: Ashgate.

2014: Occidental Readings, Decolonial Practices. A Selection on Gender, Genre, and Coloniality in the Americas, Reihe Inter-American Studies/Estudios Interamericanos, Trier: WVT, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag/Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press (peer reviewed).

2010: Weiß sehen. Dekoloniale Blickwechsel mit Zora Neale Hurston und Toni Morrison, (with Carsten Junker): Sulzbach: Ulrike Helmer Verlag.


Articles and book chapters:

2021. (with Olaf Kaltmeier, Mirko Petersen and Wilfried Raussert »Introduction: Entangled Practices of Heritage and Utopia in the Americas«. In: Kaltmeier, Olaf / Petersen, Mirko / Roth, Julia / Raussert, Wilfried (Coords.) (2021): Cherishing the Past, Envisioning the Future. Entangled Practices of Heritage and Utopia in the Americas 2021. Trier: WVT. 1-12.

2017: »Sugar and Slaves: The Augsburg Welser Company, the Conquest of America, and German Colonial Foundational Myths«, Atlantic Studies Journal, Special Issue: »German Entanglement in Transatlantic Slavery in the Americas«, Heike Raphael-Hernandez und Pia Wiegmink (Ed.).

2017. »Feminist Politics of Connectedness in the Americas«, en: Lukas Rehm et al. (ed.), Politics of Entanglements in the Americas, Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier,

2017. »Mujeres de letras, de arte, de mañas”: hip hop cubano y la producción de espacios alternativos del feminismo«, Boletín Hispánico Helvético. Historia, teoría(s), prácticas culturales. 29 (primavera 2017), 161-177.

2017. »Black and Cuba: An Interview with director Robin J. Hayes«, Leigh Raiford und Heike RaphaelHernández (Hrsg.), Migrating the Black Body. The African Diaspora and Visual Culture, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 153-69.

2017. »Americus meets America: Colonization as En-Gendering in the Americas«, Wilfried Raussert (Hrsg.), The Routledge Companion to Inter-American Studies, Routledge.

2016:  »Unequal and Gendered: Notes on the Coloniality of Citizenship Rights«, (with Manuela Boatcă), Current Sociology, monograph issue: »Dynamics of Inequalities in a Global Perspective«, Manuela Boatcă und Vilna Bashi Treitler (Hrsg.), Januar 2016, 191-212 (peer reviewed).

2016. »Translocating the Caribbean, Positioning Im/Mobilities: The Sonic Politics of Las Krudas from Cuba«, Maryemma Graham und Wilfried Raussert (Hrsg.), Mobile and Entangled Americas, Farnham: Ashgate, 103-123.

2016. »Changing the Terms of the Conversation: Reflecting Transnationality in American Studies«, Frederike Offizier/Marc Priewe/Ariane Schröder (Hrsg.), Crossroads in American Studies: Transnational and Biocultural Encounters, Heidelberg: Winter Verlag, 243-264.

2016. »Tracing Intersectionality Back to Its Radical Roots: Las Krudas Cubensis’ Queer Diaspora Hip Hop as ‘Nu Caribbean Feminism’«, e-journal EnterText, special issue »Crossing Thresholds: Decoloniality and Gender in Caribbean Knowledge«, Martina Urioste-Buschmann (Hrsg.), West London: Brunel University (peer reviewed), online:

2014: »Decolonizing American Studies: Toward a Politics of Transamericanity«, e-journal fiar – Forum for Inter-American Research, special issue: »Theorizing Hemispheric American Studies«, Summer 2014, online: (peer reviewed).

2013: »Entangled Inequalities as Intersectionalities: Towards an Epistemic Sensibilization«, Working Paper No. 43, Berlin: Research Network on Interdependent Inequalities in Latin America, online:

2013. »Nuevos medios, desigualdades persistentes? Políticas interseccionales de ‘raza’ y género en el ciberespacio«, Juliana Ströbele-Gregor und Dörte Wollrad (Hrsg.), Espacios de género, Buenos Aires: ADLAF – Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Fundación Foro Nueva Sociedad: 108-124 (peer reviewed).

2012: »Diálogo decolonial, Slave Narratives y Eurocentrismo«, Martha Machado Caicedo (Hrsg.), La Diáspora Africana. Un legado de resistencia y emancipación, Santiago de Cali, Colombia: Nationaal instituut Nederlands slavernijverleden en efernis - NiNsee, Fundación Universtaria Clarentiana - FUCLA, Universidad del Valle, 167-177.

2011: »Hacia un occidentalismo (auto)crítico descolonial», Norma Giarraca (Hrsg.), Bicentenarios (otros): Transiciones y resistencias, Buenos Aires: Una ventana ediciones, 233-238.


Research project as a fellow of CALAS

Title: Postcolonial - intersectional - interlaced. Gender in Inter-American Perspective


The Americas are marked by a "shared but divided" (Randeria) history of migration, diversity, diaspora experience, and dealing with differences and inequalities. The planned essay focuses on the gender dimension - understood as intersectional and thus ethnicized and racialized - of inter-American exchange processes. As a relational and critical perspective, a gender approach thus conceptualized enables the analysis and critique of local exchange processes that are simultaneously globally intertwined, eg in the context of the so-called “Global Care Chains” in the context of the feminization of migration or North-South tourism. The essay attempts to contribute to the thinking of intersectional and intertwined theories on two levels. On the one hand, the essay discusses genealogies, intersections, and the differences of intersectional feminists, of Afro-descendant feminists in the Americas. On the other hand, it explores the potentials and limits of a translocal intersectional gender perspective as a constitutive and corrective perspective for Inter-American studies (and Area Studies). It examines the concept of intersectionality - the simultaneous articulation of different stratification axes such as gender and race, or sexism and racism - as a methodology and tool to confront the interdependent inequalities that mark the current crises in many societies in the Americas.

Tipo investigador: